Friday, May 6, 2011

"Losing" a Goddess: Charlie Sheen Gets Dumped via Text Message

Breaking up is hard to do.

Unless you have a good texting plan and you're Bree Olson.

The now-former goddess of Charlie Sheen decided to throw in the towel on her three-way relationship.

RELATED: Charlie Sheen's latest cop trouble: D.C. Metro probing his police escort!

Olson and girlfriend No. 2, Natalie "Natty" Kenly, had been accompanying the actor on his 20-city "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option" tour, to offer up their talents a.k.a. a long, girl-on-girl kiss onstage.

But during his show in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., yesterday, Sheen answered a fan's question about how he and his two goddesses were doing by saying, "Not well, because one left." Sheen wished Olson well, but did admit that her goodbye arrived in a text, E! News has confirmed.

This isn't the first time Olson was questioned about separating from Charlie, but we guess this is the real deal.

Which raises the question, Is losing in love still winning?

-Additional reporting by Marcus Mulick

WATCH: The Soup: Bonding with Sheen

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