Friday, February 10, 2012

Swimming Pools ? Design Ideas - Kusiquyllur Home Improvement Tips

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Swimming pools are available in all shapes and sizes, from children?s wading pools, to above-ground and large in-ground pools. All of these sizes and types can be fun, but each category has its differences and limitations.

The first consideration is to be clear about what you want and need in a pool. Then look into the possibilities and start planning. Take into account styles, materials used, size, and design . Designing pools is more of an art than ever before , but remember to think about more practical concerns. How many people will be using it at any given time? How do they plan to use it? Do you want the pool for swimming laps, for children to play in, or for diving? Do you want the pool for your kids to splash around in, for pool parties, or to increase the value of your home?

Gain a sense of your goals before finalizing your pool design. Or else you will find yourself swimming laps into a waterfall. Think about the features your pool will need to work best for you before designing it.

There is a good deal more to pool design than size and shape. What kind of style are you wanting to create in your backyard? It is difficult to explain this in words. Create a look book. This will help you work out the design that suits you. Collect pictures of the kind of environment you want your yard to have. You can find pool design inspiration anywhere ? books, magazines, websites, or even your own vacation photos.

Would you prefer a geometric design, or something more freeform? Do you want a dramatic statement design, or a relaxing retreat? You could bring in design elements from the natural world, creating an oasis-type atmosphere in your yard. Design features might include rocks and waterfalls, creating the look of a natural pool. You do not need a complete design at this time, but you need to have an idea in mind. In addition to pictures, you can also brainstorm words that would describe your ideal pool. Give these pictures and descriptions to your pool builder so that they can be incorporated into the design, and you can get the look you want.

Be sure you include pictures of not only the pool, but also the surrounding areas. This is a great way to get ideas about swimming pool landscape (or poolscape) choices .

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,make your own natural pool


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